Understanding Patience


Shaykh requests the reader to be patient through reading of this book, because some things become clear only in the end – requiring going through the whole process.

ولو صبرت قليلاً حتى تتم القراءة لزال اللبس، وبان لك الصواب، فما لا يظهر بنور الكوكب يظهر بنور القمر، وما لايظهر بنور القمر يظهر بضياء الشمس، وما قد يخفى على الإنسان في البداية قد يظهر له في النهاية، وإذا تجولت في المدينة عرفتها، وعرفت ما فيها من الطرق والسلع، ووصلت إلى ما تريد بأقصر طريق، لكن مع الصبر الجميل.

.وهكذا إذا أتم القارئ قراءة الكتاب أو المقال انكشف له ما التبس عليه، وهذه سنة كونية وشرعية، فإياك والعجلة فإنها تعقب الحسرة والندم

[Roughly translated:] “And if you practice a little patience till the reading (of the book) is complete, confusions will be cleared and the right (thing) will become clear to you; because what doesn’t become clear with the light of a star, becomes clear with the light of the moon; and what doesn’t become clear with the light of the moon, becomes clear with the light of the sun. And what remains hidden from man in the beginning, becomes clear for him in the end. And when you roam around in a city, you become familiar with it, and you recognize its roads and goods (market rates etc.), and you get to where you want to be taking the most direct route (shortcut), but with beautiful patience.

Thus, when the reader finishes the book or an article (from it), his confusions subside, making things clear for him. And this is a universal and Shar`i (of Islamic Legislature) law. So beware of haste, for it’s followed by regret and remorse.”

These words should really instill the concept of ‘beautiful patience’ in one’s mind. My favorite lines:

فما لا يظهر بنور الكوكب يظهر بنور القمر، وما لايظهر بنور القمر يظهر بضياء الشمس، وما قد يخفى على الإنسان في البداية قد يظهر له في النهاية

“..because what doesn’t become clear with the light of a star, becomes clear with the light of the moon; and what doesn’t become clear with the light of the moon, becomes clear with the light of the sun. And what remains hidden from man in the beginning, becomes clear for him in the end.”

It’s so true! We’re in haste with everything. We want all our answers NOW. We want all our confusions cleared instantly. If we don’t understand something, we get frustrated. We either end up throwing away the book thinking “it ain’t worth it” or accusing the writer for publishing ‘controversial stuff’. Well, just because we don’t understand something while reading the preface of a book, does it mean we shouldn’t give the book a chance?
The book’s just an example. The rule applies to all situations.

فإياك والعجلة فإنها تعقب الحسرة والندم

“So beware of haste, for it’s followed by regret and remorse.”

Patience is difficult, yes. But what’s worse is the regret that follows haste. Patience, on the other hand, is followed by only the ‘good stuff’. You get what you love. You get Allah’s help. You get reward from Him.
Patience is of great virtue. Allah encourages it so much, He mentions it 90 times in the Qur’an!

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