What Weakness of Faith Leads to..


This is from Sub-Chapter 3 [Fiqh-u Qudrat-ir-RabbFiqh of the Power of ar-Rabb (The Master)] of Chapter 1 of the book.

وبسبب ضعف الإيمان واليقين أصابتنا ثلاث آفات:

الأولى: أننا تأثرنا من قوة المخلوق، فأصبحنا نخافه ونرجوه، فأذلنا الله به.

الثانية: أننا كل يوم نطرق باب المخلوق مع أنه لا يملك لنفسه ولا لغيره نفعاً ولا ضراً.

الثالثة: أننا أعرضنا عن الخالق القادر المالك لكل شيء، فلا نرجوه ولا نخافه، ولا نقف ببابه، ولا نستقيم على أوامره.

فكيف نستفيد من قدرته، وكيف نستفيد من خزائنه وهذه أحوالنا؟.

إن ذلك لا يُنال إلا بكمال الإيمان والتقوى.

[Roughly translated]: “And because of weakness of faith and certainty, three calamities have struck us:
First: We’re impressed by the power of creation, and we’ve started to fear it and (seek) hope from it , so Allah has humiliated us with it.
Second: We knock on the door of creation for help each day although it does not hold for itself, nor for (anyone) other than it, any benefit nor any harm.
Third: We have turned away form the Creator, the Owner of everything, so neither do we (seek) hope from Him, nor do we fear Him. And we don’t stand at His door or obey (be steadfast on) His commands.
So how can we benefit from His Power/Might and how can we benefit from His treasures while this is our state?
Indeed, that is not obtained except with the perfection of faith and taqwa (Allah-consciousness). “

An interesting way to understand these words would be to examine yourself for the symptoms of weak faith. Let’s do this exercise together.

First: We’re impressed by the power of creation, and we’ve started to fear it and (seek) hope from it , so Allah has humiliated us with it.

What am I impressed by? Allah’s creativity or man’s?
What seems more powerful to me? Allah’s forces of the unseen or the US president along with his armies?
What do I fear more? A friend thinking of me as a bad person or Allah’s opinion about me when I sin in private?
What gives me more hope? Allah’s promise for help if I do sabr (patience) or a human saying they’ll make everything alright?

Second: We knock on the door of creation for help each day although it does not hold for itself, nor for (anyone) other than it, any benefit nor any harm.

What’s the first thing I do when I need help? Call Mom (or any other human being) or Allah?
Whom do I really think can solve my problems better? Me/Mom/Friend or Allah?

Third: We have turned away form the Creator, the Owner of everything, so neither do we (seek) hope from Him, nor do we fear Him. And we don’t stand at His door or obey (be steadfast on) His commands.

Am I obedient of my Lord? Do I fulfill all His commandments concerning me? Am I steadfast?
Do I keep my hopes only from Him?
Do I fear only Him?
Or have I turned away from all that He said and asked of me? Have I given up on Him? Have I despaired?

More than anything else, I hope you got all the answers ‘right’. Because otherwise, your faith is weak. Faith in Allah and His Power. Faith in what He is and what He ordains. Faith in all that’s good.

The solution is to perfect your faith, to have certainty. Trust Allah blindly, as they say – more than your soul. Do as He says, even if He asks you to jump in a well (which He won’t – just saying!). Obey Him as much as you can and believe that it’s for nothing but YOUR good. Do all that and then ask your heart this question: “how you doin’?”
I’m sure the answer will please you. :)

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